Despite decline in ticket sales, the Winnipeg Jets have never lost money, True North says | CBC News

Despite decline in ticket sales, the Winnipeg Jets have never lost money, True North says | CBC News

  1. So then maybe can it with the fearmongering and guilting of the local populace?

  2. This is always what I point to when people say they are moving. They aren’t gonna move if the team still turns a profit.

  3. Reading between the lines, what’s being said is: We’ve not lost money, we’re not tolerating a flat business model, it needs to earn. We can earn much more moving the team if things don’t change.

    You all think Thompson is involved in ownership due to a childhood spent cheering for the Jets? Nope. He is looking for a 10x banger on his investment. The last team sold, went for $1.2B. The next ten down the line will be getting closer to $2.0B.

  4. Was saying exactly this at the hieght of the ticket sales drama. They do a million fan surveys and the #1 answer for not going to games boils down to cost of tickets, food and drinks. Its a business, I get theyre in it to make money but as long as theyre not losing money then id like them to completly stop complaining about ticket sales. Fill seats before filling millionairs wallets by improving game day expirence and they would have a full building every night.

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