Steph: “He didn’t even realize he gets a little plaque or trophy. I presented Jordan with his when he got it…I guess Klay missed that whole ceremony because he had no idea that there’s a trophy acknowledgement for the stat leader. So the trophy was a surprise for him.” πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚

Lolll of course Klay, in his 13th year, had no idea being a stat leader came with a trophy. The most classic Klay reaction

I love how low key annoyed he is. Also hysterical that neither he nor Klay had any idea Klay got it until today

  1. That is so classic of both Steph and Klay!

    These two are such a special brotherhood!

    So grateful for every game we get and every memory we will ALWAYS have!

  2. Steph seems in good spirits heading into the play in. Hope we survive the week and get to May.

  3. Wait, so Klay must have gotten a trophy for leading 3PM last season, then? Or did he also miss that ceremony LMAO

  4. tbh now idc if we chip because this is the funniest most wholesome part of the entire season. Klay’s a legend.

  5. Is Steph giving him the trophy next year? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Klay is always in his own world

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