Had to feed my curiosity on the ads vs baseball, super rough, but also – super rough lol.

Had to feed my curiosity on the ads vs baseball, super rough, but also – super rough lol.

  1. Someone put it well in a post on this the other day. I’d Rogers needs to fill half the screen with ads and that means they don’t take a cent of tax dollars on the reno like all other owners holding the city hostage, I’m totally ok with it.

  2. Not to sound like some corporate shill but this doesn’t make any sense. The whole field of play is baseball. The scorebug is baseball too with one small logo. The fans are baseball.

  3. I’m honestly fine with this. The ads aren’t animated like those awful fake NHL Arena ads, and this layout actually lends an interesting degree of variety with regards to the colours we get in the master shot.

    Also considering we don’t have to look at the god awful Bally’s Sports graphics package, I can take this just fine.

  4. There’s actually less advertising than before if you care to check back. The only difference is the backstop isn’t broken up into sections so it looks bigger.

  5. It would be more interesting to see a year by year comparison of the % of the screen taken up by ads

  6. So.. Baseball field, Baseball scoreboard, Baseball fans, Baseball Umpire aint baseball now?

  7. Just think of ads as warnings, the more you see of a brand, the more you should stay away.

  8. It’s annoying but if this what pays for the renovations and not tax payer money, knock yourself out rogers

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