Full transcript from a segment on Broncos Country Tonight where he was answering questions from the text line:

Benjamin Allbright: “I have seen them; I didn’t like them. I’ll just say that.”

Grant Smith: “yeah but you don’t have the best taste in uniforms.”

BA: “yeah i was going to say, I’m also the worst person to ask because I’m like ‘Alabama, Penn State, those are the best uniforms’, ya know? I don’t like the triangles on the sleeves. I don’t know. I don’t like them. Maybe they’ll grow on me. Maybe I’m being an old man, and in a year from now, they’ll grow on me. We’ll see.”

I know feelings about Allbright on this sub are… passionate. However, I think this is truthful and accurate. I think he commented on the triangles to boost his credibility when he’s proven right next week.

Link to episode. The discussion begins at 15:26.

  1. I firmly believe 2 things about the new uniforms:

    1. Allbright ain’t seen shit
    2. Half this sub has already decided they’re gonna hate them anyway so it doesn’t matter much

  2. People hate change, it is what it is. I doubt anyone (including myself) will like these because new is usually off putting and bad. That said, i doubt this clown has seen them.

  3. People said the same about about the AVs blue shorts and gloves. Now everybody says it would weird without it. People have no sense of design until it’s forced on them. That’s why 99% of people follow trends and don’t set them. No vision.

  4. What’s everyone’s memory relative to the BIG change in 1997? I liked them from the start, but my memory is that they were not generally well received. (Supporting what’s been said here a lot, that people are resistant to change) Then they won their first SB that year… that helped a lot! 🤣

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