Found some heartbreaking news today

Found this out today after realizing that I never actually heard his name spoken (I’ve watched his highlight clips but only muted and couldn’t recall hearing it any other time). Time to flush all the book jokes down the drain 😢.

  1. LOL Exactly what kind of book jokes did you have cued up?

    I think you will be ok.

  2. Don’t feel bad.  Took me a while to realize there was nobody named Andy Pothead on the Dodgers. 

  3. That’s okay. For years I thought Jaime Jarrín was pronouced Jay-me Jair-un like he was just some white dude or something. I felt like an idiot when I realized it was Spanish and you it starts with H sounds.

  4. Yeah he’s Cuban so I assumed you’d use the spanish pronunciation. But I also hadn’t heard his name pronounced so thanks for confirming OP

  5. Sometimes you need to accept that things aren’t the way you thought and turn the pah-hez

  6. Maybe it’ll get Californianized in the same ways the locals of Paso Robes pronounce as “Paso Rowbulls”.

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