The NBA stole Jimmy’s meme, used it in a promo, and didn’t even bother to include him in it

The NBA stole Jimmy’s meme, used it in a promo, and didn’t even bother to include him in it

  1. If only the Heat bothered to take care of business in a few games they shouldn’t have lost, Jimmy would be in this commercial.

  2. also why is Jokic in this promo and not Jamal Murray who is known for popping off in the playoffs? Jokic is obviously the more popular player but there is enough star power in this promo already

  3. My assumption is Jimmy maybe filmed his segment for this commercial but they won’t air it until we officially make playoffs

  4. Found Tobin! who fucking cares. George Paul was Playoff P before Jimmy was “playoff jimmy”. its nothing original. Now time for Jimmy to get us to the playoffs and go after these Knick fucks

  5. Said this in the other thread too—

    Guys. It’s an outright REFERENCE to Jimmy’s quote and well-publicized performance last year. Even the intonation of how each guy says “not a thing” is a direct reference to Jimmy’s quote

    It’s a testament of respect to Jimmy that the ad just ASSUMES that everyone knows about “Playoff Jimmy” and the “not a thing” soundbite in order to pull of its punchline.

    I actually think the ad would NOT have worked if Jimmy were part of it. That would have been cringe of him

    Calm down, fellas 😅

  6. TBF we aren’t in the playoffs… Everyone knows playoff jimmy is the only real playoff ____. Still super cringe. I imagine they had this in mind for jimmy and pivoted to air for the clinched playoff teams. Should have scratched it or waited till playoff jimmy gets in the playoffs

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