Ready for our close-up

Ready for our close-up

  1. My two biggest takeaways:

    – Current Logo: Thank GOD we aren’t changing it

    – Nameplate: it’s super subtle, but I think the font used indicates it’s a bit of a throwback design. Which I’d be very happy to have.

  2. nameplate font looks incredible. no colored collars makes me hopeful for simple yet effective design which is what i’ve been wanting. silver helmets with blue stripe staying is such a great look. these are gonna be so good

  3. White is back in the helmet stripe! And no black!!!! Love that so far.

    Also told you nerds that bubbles wasn’t back

  4. We didn’t go the alternate neck like the jets thank goodness. Now my credit card is ready for Friday.

  5. i’m glad we’re embracing our roots! it feels like we’ve been running from it with the last couple designs

  6. Blue looks light, is the definition of H-Blue going back to that light shade of Barry?

    White top blue pants confirmed to return, my favorite look. No word on facemask being blue or any of the detailing.

  7. That’s definitely Honolulu / Sanders blue. Squared name font, basically throwbacks. I’m ecstatic


    My thoughts: Lions like to have Easter eggs in their pre-release videos.

    First thought (which I’ve said before) but want to reiterate. Blue helmet is staying but will not have the long lion logo but either a new logo or the current logo.

    The red circle is going to be the primary shade of blue used, also is similar to the “GOFF” nameplate shown earlier.

    Green circle is sticking to the classic blue and grey jerseys even if the team likes to do monochrome, the blue and grey will stay as a staple.

    Conspiracy here with the yellow circle Darker grey/graphite jersey or black with the Lions being in that color.

    I also think the assembly line floor is representing the stripes on the helmet and the first few sections are separated by blue or white lights but the later are also darker which leads to the previous thought.

    Also could completely be full of shit so yea

  9. At a glance:

    – White top/blue pants are staying. Not that that should come as a surprise, but I always liked that look.

    – Logo is staying. I wasn’t sold on the leaked picture depicting the old Rorschach test logo, anyway, but maybe it was and it’s an alternate logo or something.

    – No baby bib collar like the Jets new ones.

    – Doesn’t seem like there will be obnoxiously large city lettering on the chest like Arizona and Atlanta. This was one of my biggest worries. Could be proven wrong here and there’s always the alt.

    – NOB looks good.

  10. I hope it’s not one big dumb fat stripe up the pants. It looks bad for the Eagles, looks bad for the Jets, and it would look bad in Detroit 

  11. I thought I was a fan but after seeing all of these replies breaking down every zoomed-in shot of 5% of the uniform I realize that I am not shit

  12. Where are all the photoshop experts using this information to put together their best guess version?

  13. So my take way looking at the stills:

    1. Blue-white-blue. Looks to me like the 90s pants stripe.

    2. Solid blue pants w/blue belt with white bottom of jersey- possible stripe down the side but can’t tell. Probably away uniform.

    3. Back of helmet with DET- looks like current helmet striped design but with a more solid white line rather than the gray helmet color.

    4. Helmet with logo- that gray is SPARKLY

    5/6. Away and home jerseys-cant really get much from that. Maybe more solid colors on The jersey?

  14. I hate everything needs to be hyped nowadays you don’t need a teaser trailer for a jersey reveal.

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