Best guess at new uniforms updated with white helmets

Same post as earlier just with white alt helmets added

  1. I actually… really kind of like this. Nice work! I think we probably get a navy uniform as well.

    Overall, I think I would be happy if this is what they looks like. 

  2. Mannnn this feels really close. You might have it pretty on the nose. I like them a lot.

  3. I hated the idea of mountains on the shoulders but this rendering looks awesome. I hope it’s something like this

  4. This isn’t bad at all, and probably really close to what the final result will be. I’m kinda doubting the numbers will be standard block like that (though I prefer it our current font) outside of the 80s throwback, but beyond this seems like it might be it. If we don’t get those orange pants on white though now I’ll be disappointed.

  5. If the font choice they’ve been using in the stadium last year and the teaser pics they’ve been using, you might want to use the rounded numbers they’ve chose as a possibility over block style numbers…but that’s just a guess and it might be interesting to see if you can render it. (a little tough with the number 14 so maybe use 2,3,5,6,8,9, or 0 in place).

  6. I really want to see tops and pants in all 3 colors. Allowing for a bunch of combinations.

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