PK to TicTac Titan when he called into the radio this morning

Highly recommend the Robby and Rexrode podcast if you missed it live.

Also recommend Shogun, obviously

  1. Everyone is saying PK put Tyler in a body bag on Twitter. I need to find this clip

    Edit: After listening it seems they were being over dramatic on Twitter. Shocker. Tyler is right tho, I don’t think the Texans were ever going to pass on Stroud at 2.

  2. Now there’s an exchange I’m interested in hearing. I’ll have to look that shit up!

  3. Paul is such a bitch. Sounds like he doesn’t like the competition Tyler brings. Guess Paul is the only one allowed to report on the titans. He’s a joke.

  4. It’s hilarious that PK thinks anyone would steel from him. If this was the case than Roland would have ran with the Pretty Boy Kelly texts story all over his pod, but he didn’t.

    If you listen to TR for 1 second you realize the guy does the work, he watches the tape, he does the same analysis that everyone else is doing they just knock on him cause he’s not in the building… which frankly 95% of the sports media isn’t.

    Sour grapes cause Locked On has a big following and PK frankly is unlistenable.

  5. 😂😂😂😂

    Unreal. I’ll find the link but can you provide a TLDR on the conversation? Maybe the two biggest assholes on the planet.

  6. I just listened to it. This is considered “putting someone in a body bag”? PK just comes off as a total douche–as usual. He cannot help himself. He is so insecure that he has to make it all about him, that he shits on someone who *agrees* with him, only because he has a grudge with the guy, so he derails the conversation to make it all about him. It’s annoying as shit.

  7. Two bozos spewing non ball knowledge. Why would anyone listen to these clowns

  8. Tyler forms takes based upon the news created by people like Paul. Nothing wrong with that. Paul is a douche.

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