All the clues Houston Texans have given about look of new uniforms

All the clues Houston Texans have given about look of new uniforms

  1. I’m just over the wait. Most other teams have shown their new looks. This shit is dragging out too long. Show them before I lose interest.

    Downvote away. I’ve got karma to burn.

  2. From all I’ve gathered with my Pepe Silvia skills:

    The home uni will be exactly the same except the name font is red and the number font is different. There will be no collar like the current jersey.

    We’ve already seen the away uni, the “traditional but modern”

    The “bold bull” a lot of people think will be red but I get the feeling may be all black or navy with red letters and a red bull horn helmet.

    The H-town blue and tough seems like it’s all navy with H-town blue accents and an H-town blue helmet.

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