[Worst Mets Reporter] “Pimp imagery is problematic on so many levels. Let’s think about it for 2 seconds. Can we please not make this a big part of the 2024 Mets’ imagery?”

[Worst Mets Reporter] “Pimp imagery is problematic on so many levels. Let’s think about it for 2 seconds. Can we please not make this a big part of the 2024 Mets’ imagery?”

  1. What an out of touch comment. Women are loving this guy just as much as men. It’s fun and the Mets are winning. It’s comedy no need to get offended.

  2. i knew some idiot would be the first to say it, why am i not surprised its a shitty reporter looking for rage clicks

  3. I mean yes on paper a pimp isn’t something to be glorifying. But in REALITY, it isn’t that deep lol

  4. This is silly. And I am woke AF.

    Pimps are terrible.

    Pimps do not dress like that (anymore).

  5. If this is something you’re worried about, you need something to worry about.

  6. I thought homerun pimp was annoying cause I hate “look at me!” fans but now I think he’s cool because of this tweet so good job Martino.

  7. Kind of silly to call him a pimp. He just dresses like any alt-Brooklyn DIY-adjacent young man who shops at thrift stores does. On that same subject, it’s cool to see the kind of people I hang out with being represented on sports broadcasts hahah.

  8. “I don’t care, I’m right about this” about a subjective statement is such a grossly arrogant way to talk, especially when you’re a shit tier reporter

  9. Why doesn’t he just go work for YES instead of SNY? Never made any sense and we are going on years of this crap with him. Crazy.

  10. If Andy Martino has the same opinion as you on something, you should get a new opinion 

  11. I think calling this dude a “Pimp” is silly. Find a better nickname that fits the persona better anyway. He honestly seems like the kind of bizarre, fun personality you’d see all over A’s games 10 years ago.

  12. Max is having a good time and he’s not taking any problematic actions. Dude is literally just dressed loud and cheering on the team. It ain’t that serious.

    Give me Max over self hating negative fans any day.

  13. What does this have to do with being “woke”?

    Martino looks like a moron on many levels.

  14. “Hey did you know that fun thing you’re doing could be misconstrued into something negative?” – Nobody gives a fuck

    There is literally not a single bit of harm perpetuated by this, whether it’s pimp imagery or not. This is just some dork media twitter person scolding people because he can.

  15. He doesn’t look like a pimp. He looks like some gut who wondered off the 7 train stoned and asked where the closest place he could get a good pastrami sandwhich was.

  16. Andy Martino sounds a bit jealous or maybe his world view is a bit threatened by a guy with a “look at me” dress style!

  17. I am so glad that little fuck blocked me for asking him if he was sure when he confirmed something Cohen himself tweeted. Otherwise what I would tweet at him today would be problematic.

  18. Since we are willfully ignoring obvious jokes, I’ll continue the narrative by pretending Andy Martino doesn’t exist.

  19. Whenever something fun is happening, someone has to come around to try and ruin it.

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