Saw this on twitter, Yeah I’m sold on this. F**k it we ball πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Saw this on twitter, Yeah I’m sold on this. F**k it we ball πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  1. Just like my post, but that’s what it’s gonna take. Players gotta perform like Himmy would. No shot Celtics sleep on us. Who’s not to say tho someone on Boston gets injured like, Tatum or KP or Brown. It’s a whole different ball game, and Miami Heat can beat Boston. Then it would be an even playing field.

  2. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Let’s take it one game at a time, one half at a time, one quarter at a time, one Herro bricked shot and missed defensive assignment at a time.

  3. Feels like that moment in Endgame when Strange signals Tony. The one and only future, the hardest path 😭

  4. Jimmy likely not returning since they said it will be weeks until he’s cleared.

    HOWEVER, Celtics have frequently proven to be sloppy in the post-season. Now that they aren’t playing regular season scrubs, the two Js sometimes turn into ghosts on the court when higher pressure is applied.

    I think the chance of a W is low since Butler is gone, but if the Heat can even put up a good fight and make Boston sweat, I’m all for that.

  5. I just got to my first playoffs in 2k24 my player. Signed with the Cavs, finished like 68-14, matched with the 8th seed Heat. LOST 4-3, I simmed the rest of the playoffs and the HEAT won the title. Absolutely rolled my god damn eyes.

  6. There was discussion during this season and other seasons how the team plays w/o Jimmy or w/o Herro. I wouldn’t say its better or worse, just that it is interesting.

    W/o Tyler. There is more ball movement and overall involvement from other players in the offense.

    W/o Jimmy, I see the team is a bit quicker offensively. They are up and down the court so quickly.

    Imagine by some greater power, this group w/o Jimmy made the Conf Finals. Some may see that as pointless, but I would be more entertained than ever. That would be the greatest thing i’ve ever watched live in this game. If by some miracle, this group toughed it out and that far with BOS in the first rd.

    The truth is simple as this. If any team could get BOS out in the first rd, they are definitely getting to the Conf Finals. Having enough gas to reach the Finals is another story imo. Some may disagree and think a team beating BOS in the 1st rd is inevitably making the Finals, but I would caution them to think of the exhaustion that will come with beating such a team while down players and so early.

  7. The only thing I can remotely see is us somehow winning tomorrow, it all goes downhill after that lol

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