If the owners weren’t cowards they’d do the right thing for our next Jersey

If the owners weren’t cowards they’d do the right thing for our next Jersey

  1. Dunno if this sub turned into r/poop or something but why is there a picture of shit on my screen?

  2. We have mountains at home.

    Mountains at home:




  3. Connor Joe is in a better place.

    I will never forgive Monfort for ruining this team. Even if he sells I’m not coming back. Baseball at altitude is doomed anyway.

  4. Yeah, cause the jokes about broken down Broncos with Colorado plates wouldn’t get old in 2 minutes.

  5. Do people not like these?

    I unironically like these.

    I don’t even watch much baseball, but I’ve been tempted to buy one.

  6. Never use Rockies uniforms as the standard lmaooo especially this one. One of the ugliest I’ve ever seen

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