Seahawks TE Pharaoh Brown joins ‘NFL Total Access’ to discuss Mike Macdonald’s ‘amazing energy’
and now we’re joined by Seahawks tight
end phell Brown thanks so much for
joining us but pH I wanted to kick this
off because the draft is next week a
week from today but in 2017 you went
undrafted out of Oregon but you’re in
your seventh season right now what would
you tell those prospects who don’t hear
their name called next week I would tell
them to keep that confidence uh it can
kind of feel uh like you’re meaningless
when you don’t hear your name called
those seven rounds but uh I def what I
really want them to understand is once
they get in that building it doesn’t
matter matter how you got there it
matters that you’re there now and when
you leave there I always wanted the
people to say you know he’s a coach’s
pet get there early leave late you know
uh I remember just being there going
through those emotions and it’s like the
pride and the ego of like you know you
want to do the the little things that
nobody else in the building wants to do
to basically make yourself stand out
because the window of the opportunity
coming in as an unded fre agent is very
small it’s a it’s a small window of
opportunity so you have to find those
little things that can make you stand
out and which a lot of guys that come in
from college is not used to because they
used to making the plays making all the
big plays so now you got to find those
other little things that guys are that
you know front office people are looking
for so that’s something that I really
want you know these young guys to
understand because it’s doable great
advice right there so also it’s a new
start in Seattle you’re you’re in your
first year there and Mike McDonald is a
new head coach so to your point it’s
kind of a clean slate so what is the
vibe up there you know this is it’s
amazing it’s it’s an amazing energy and
I tell you this this this is a great
story because it’s so unconventional
what we see in the leag a lot of times
when you get these culture staff hirings
you get a lot of loyalty stuff you know
uh it’s kind of like a loyalty business
you got guys that you’re comfortable
with Mike McDaniel went out and
interviewed all prospects and hired who
he thought the best was so now we have a
building an environment where nobody is
connected from previous stops he didn’t
bring the people from Baltimore he went
out and hired who he thought was the
best at each position so you got a bunch
of great uh like you got a bunch of
individuals who bring in all these
different things so now it’s like when
you talk about building a foundation it
seems authentic it seems real because
now coaches are building players are
building front office is building it’s
all new so I mean I’ve never going into
my year seventh and I’ve had a new
coaching staff every year so this is you
know this is the norm for me so seeing
this I’m I it gets me excited I love
hearing it they hired our our former
College here and longtime defensive
coordinator head coach leslee Frasier on
that staff as well but last question I’m
being told we’re running a little low on
time but new OC Ryan grub coming from
the University of Washington staying in
that area that’s an offense where they
threw the ball all over the yard Mike
McDonald comes from Baltimore where they
ran the ball what is this offense
eventually going to look like uh I think
that’s the best of the best I think it’
be very explosive well there we go well
that was quick well on that note real
quick let’s have a little fun Gino Smith
you guys did your test this week how the
hell was he the fastest guy on the Jeep
GPS on the top speed meter man I don’t
know I don’t know how but I was super
impressed when I seen that I was like 21
miles hours I think we might have one of
the fastest teams if you look under
those boards it was it’s a bunch of 20s
in there I was like Jesus Christ we got
a a US track team where were you where
were you I was 19 okay all right 19 but
for me it’s pretty impressive you know
I’m 268 right now so I tell everybody uh
you know uh a 200 lb 68 moving at 19 mph
is B that that’s kind of hard to stop so
you might not want to get in front of
that one I’m not messing with hey man
appreciate you stopping through thank so
Seahawks TE Pharaoh Brown joins ‘NFL Total Access’ to discuss Mike Macdonald’s ‘amazing energy’
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