Free Talk Friday

Free Talk Friday

  1. That otter pic is like something from the end of a movie where they run a post movie bio over top before a fade to black where they play FUCKING PANTERA over the credits.

  2. Great pics, as usual!! Thanks for sharing! I can’t see them any more on iphone. 🙁 Such a cool helmet! Who is with Otter golfing?? Faksa so happy! I love it!! Sorry Seguin. So sorry. Reminds me of when Honka stomped the plastic cowboy hat – and rightfully so.


    Excited for playoffs. Glad Stars are getting rest! Go Stars!!

  3. However the postseason goes I’ll still be proud of this team. Anyway, let’s get Pavs a cup! 💪⭐️💪

  4. It’s that time of year where I’ll be happily saying goodbye to my consistent sleep schedule. Love playoff hockey so much. 

  5. My birthday was last week and my dad said he wanted to buy me a playoff ticket for it. He gave me a budget, so this morning when I woke up and we actually had some official dates, I bought my ticket! I’ll be at game 2 on Wednesday. I’m flying in from Colorado that day and will stay in a hotel overnight and fly home the next afternoon. I’m so excited. I’ve never seen a home game in Dallas before, or a playoff game. I think my seat seems pretty amazing. Huge shoutout to my husband who is being super cool about me vanishing midweek leaving him fully in charge of a disabled senior citizen (his mom) and an autistic preteen who doesn’t always do great with schedule changes (our kid). Sleeping in a hotel room by myself without an anxious kid or a playful cat waking me up in the middle of the night is almost as exciting as the game itself. My poor family. I’m going to be INSUFFERABLE this week.

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