Anyone who says “dEtRoiT pAnThErS” is blind. The Lions got it right, while Carolina somehow makes a great color scheme look bland. The Lions nailed it, & it’s not even their primary. Kudos, Detroit. You utilized black/blue as an alternate FAR better than another team utilizes it as their primary.

Anyone who says “dEtRoiT pAnThErS” is blind. The Lions got it right, while Carolina somehow makes a great color scheme look bland. The Lions nailed it, & it’s not even their primary. Kudos, Detroit. You utilized black/blue as an alternate FAR better than another team utilizes it as their primary.

  1. That all black with that helmet is just pure fucking sexy. Black Uni haters need to be gone already. Lions did it right

  2. I just popped into the store at ford field. They had 2 black jerseys left and plenty of the other color ways. This sub is clearly not the general fan base when it comes to the back jersey.

  3. I don’t understand why folks in this sub can’t just like something and be okay with others not liking it (and vise versa).

    And really, it’s not just this sub… but it’s *real* bad here specifically lately.

  4. They don’t look like the panthers AND the black lions jerseys are horrible. Two things can be true. Black isn’t one of our traditional colors, might as well have gone with orange to me, and those helmets are downright hideous, like only the jags black and gold are worse in NFL history imo.

  5. I saw some tweet that they will not be able to wear the blue helmet this year… is that correct?

  6. Idk black big cat roaring with blue highlighting on the helmet definitely gives me panthers vibes. I like the jersey and pants but the helmet is not my favorite

  7. This is comparing pictures taken in a studio with a matching backdrop vs random on-field photos. I actually like the black jerseys, but trust that they will look a lot worse without professional lighting and staging

  8. I honestly don’t give a shit lol. They look great, that’s all that matters.

  9. I’ve been a constant supporter of the black jerseys. I thought they looked great back in the day, and I think these new ones look amazing too. People are way too emotional about the 2000’s when we were horrible. The color of the uniform has literally zero bearing on the success today. Especially because these are ALTERNATE jerseys, not our main. Our main doesn’t have any black.

    The only regret I have is that it seems like that sick ass alt helmet from last year isn’t going to come back. That thing fucked so hard, and it would have been pure porn with the all white jerseys.

  10. To be fair the panthers and lions ALTERNATE units are very similar, which is what people are saying.

  11. I always thought the Panthers color schemes were pretty good. Love the new Lions alternate, too.

  12. The panthers all black goes hard though, what are you smoking. Especially those black helmets

  13. Their alternate jerseys… black helmet. if you’re gonna shit on people do it right. I’m just hurt we lost the blue helmet from last year.

  14. The people that keep saying it looks like the panthers are dumb. It objectively doesn’t. Not even their black helmet unis.

    I the blue looks different in photos that weren’t that reveal event. They had a blue light in the room and lasers and I genuinely think it makes the hue seem different. Hence the tards saying “that isn’t even Honolulu blue and the cat is black what is a black lion?”

    I genuinely liked the all grey with last years throwback helmet better than these, but I’m a sucker for grey – and the majority of people here hate the grey and a lot of people hated the stretch lion logo. But I really like these, and the updates to the normal home and aways. So I get it, some people just don’t like this combo, but it doesn’t look like the panthers.

  15. I think they are pretty great but the home “one pride” colorway is the best in my opinion. overall def think they upgraded in everyway tho.

  16. Yeah the panthers comparison is weak. Also the panthers have one of the worst livery in the league.

    I think these look great (for black unis). I’m still against using black in our uniform, but if they have to be done, I’m glad ours look like this. It’s a great look, especially with the blue pants. And that helmet is clean.

    My only real complaints on the new uniforms:
    – No stripes on the white, black, or blue pants to match that sick mustang stripe branding. We have this awesome striping, so why only use it on the silver?
    – I really hate wordmarks on the front of jerseys. This goes for every team. I wish we didn’t do that. Even without the stripes on the blue, black, and white pants, and the addition of black, I’d give this an A+, 10/10 if they cut the wordmarks.

  17. How does Carolina make it look bland? I think their jerseys look fine, just as I like the Lions jerseys. Why are you letting your bias drive you so much?

  18. Teams need to reveal the jerseys on the field!! Not in some professional studio. It doesn’t make any sense to me. The jerseys are designed to look good on the field. The black and blue background completely drowns out the uniform.

  19. I like the jerseys. But even if I didn’t, I’m not going to trip out over a uniform that gets worn 2x a year.

  20. Honestly I don’t follow the Panthers, I follow the Lions. I like the Lions uniforms and I don’t really give a shit what a fan of another team thinks…

  21. I don’t dislike the black uniforms. But I think the helmets are godawful. A black and white logo has never been the Lions’ logo or anything near the color scheme. That’s something you’d see off a cheap offbrand piece of apparel from the Meijer rack. Black helmet with the classic blue logo would’ve been so so much better and would’ve popped with the rest of the look. Truly baffled by that decision.

  22. Panthers look like us now lol

    Honestly, anyone who doesn’t like these uniforms is 100% being a contrarian who thinks it’s cool to be the different one, and you cannot convince me otherwise

  23. The sad part is that the Lions new primary uniforms are dope – yet I know they’re going to trot out these Panthers looking things every chance they get.

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