RADIO CALL: Soto to the second deck — You can’t say you don’t miss John Sterling in these moments.

RADIO CALL: Soto to the second deck — You can’t say you don’t miss John Sterling in these moments.

RADIO CALL: Soto to the second deck — You can’t say you don’t miss John Sterling in these moments.
byu/mew5175_TheSecond inNYYankees

  1. He’s doing his best. Can’t help but feel bad for the guy though. No one could ever follow John Sterling. Man is a legend.

  2. I texted my brother when Soto hit the homer. He’s out with friends and he asked me to be John Sterling for him. This is what I said:

    And thuhh pitch … Swung on and drilled to deep right field. Rosario doesn’t move. That ball is…. Gone! Ohhh what a Soto Photo! A 3 run shot into the second deck for Juan Soto and the Yankees take a 5-1 lead. He sure is Juanderful isn’t he Suzyn?

  3. I’m okay with it. I loved Sterling in the younger times but I thought he grew cringe with all the dumb sayings he came up with. I know I’ll get killed but whatever it’s how I feel!

  4. I want John Sterling to start a Twitter so he can announce a play like that whenever they arise 

  5. Absolutely miss him. Not even close to the same.

    But it was never going to be the same when he left. This day was going to come eventually. Sterling was going to either retire or go out on his shield, and someone would have to take the unenviable job of filling his shoes. It is what it is.

  6. This guy has impossible shoes to fill. No one will sound correct. I don’t think this is a bad job of announcing, it’s just not John Sterling…

  7. Does this guy know he’s on Radio? When the fans can’t see it, you gotta make them FEEL it dude.

  8. The two hardest MLB announcers to follow are Vin Scully and John Sterling. Two iconic voices.

  9. We need Ricky Ricardo! we’re talking about the New York Yankees, the standards for epic radio calls must be very high. no one can fill Sterling’s shoes but Ricky is top notch

  10. Is everyone on twitter that was begging for Sterling to retire rejoicing with this call?

  11. man, this really makes you appreciate Sterling. no offense to this guy but the shoes to fill are just too big. this job should go to Ricky Ricardo though.

  12. that’s about a 2.5 compared to JS, who’d have given that an electrifying, sonorous, beautiful, exhilarating 9.5!

    so GREATLY missed. 😵‍💫😔😔😔😔

  13. New guy is the sacrificial lamb. Fans will complain no matter who it is. Fans will complain and call for this poor kid’s head. And they’ll get it. 

    Then they’ll hire some veteran-ish guy to do it.

    If I could offer one piece of advice to the new guy:  you seem stiff. Like your “radio voice” is a persona. What made John great is that it seemed like his persona was his radio voice. He was natural.

    Just be yourself! Have fun! Do what comes natural. Rooting for you.

  14. You guys think John Sterling is watching these games? Part of me thinks, yeah, he’s a bigger fan than almost anyone. But at the same time, for the first time in like 40 years he can just chill out and do his thing and not worry about the game schedule. Good for him, sad for us.

  15. So it’ll be a 1-0 to Soto. Thuuuh pitch. Swung on, there it goes to deep right! That ball is high, it is far, it is gone! Second deck! A Soto photo! A three run blast gives the Yankees a 5-1 lead! He’s Juan-derful, marvelous! How do you like that?! Boy I tell you, what a fabulous player to watch, just fabulous!

  16. I feel bad saying it because I’m sure he’s a nice guy and he’s trying his best, but his “radio voice” is terrible. It sounds too artificial. He’s speaking too specifically and specifically and unnaturally…he needs to relax a little

  17. I don’t miss John Sterling specifically in these moments. Canned HR calls are so gd lame. Wayyy better to have just an organic, spontaneous call. I know you all hate me for this. I can’t help it.

  18. That home run call was like eating chalk. I’m sorry, but if you can’t get jacked up and go crazy for a 2nd Deck Juan Soto Hyperdrive Homerun you don’t have a feel for the moment.

  19. Even as a rangers fan I’ll say, Brendan burke was very solid when he filled in last year.

  20. this guy and the other guy…shackle? whatever. they’re both black holes of charisma. they sound like if the untuck-it guy started broadcasting games. no vim, no verve, no vigor, no personality. this is gonna be rough.

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