#NHLVideos: Last Goal of Regular Season = Fastest OT Record!!!!!! ⏰

Last Goal of Regular Season = Fastest OT Record!!!!!! ⏰

[Applause] Kev Pinsky and off the draw 
kempe quickly moves in kempe shoots head
scores that’s the way to end the regular season 
overtime goal Adrien Kee 6 seconds in Kings win  
it five to four I I think it makes a difference 
I mean you get a fance here to to enjoy the home  
crowd I know Kings fans coaching staff have been 
talking about the crowds here at crypto.com Arena  
and now you get a chance to kind of soak it in 
you you might be able to put that third period  
behind you and I think right now that’s 
what the kings were looking for under the
[Music] circumstance would have 
rather made it happen in regulation
and it looks to me like Soder Bloom is 
off his angle he’s too far to the short  
side I mean Kee has a great release we’ve 
seen it numerous times we’ll get a better  
chance to see it here I mean it it’s 
it hits him and it’s still well inside  
the post so we did not have the angle 
covered the Kings get OT GW [Applause]

Adrian Kempe scores just SIX seconds into overtime, giving the Kings the victory over the Blackhawks and tying and NHL record for fastest goal in overtime.

  1. LA wasn't trying, and made it to OT. Once they knew they got the OT point and have to face Edmonton, they actually tried, and put it away in six seconds.

  2. im not big into NHL so I dont know who is in the playoffs, Did the Mighty Ducks get in? I remember them, they were huge back in the day, but is that like how the Bulls were back when Jordan played in the NBA or what?

  3. Let's gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is exactly how you end the regular season baby please LA Kings take this momentum into the postseason and win a damn series.

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