DAMN… #Texans owner Hannah McNair was not having the #Titans “taking their Oilers” jerseys and wearing them. “YOU KNOW TENNESSEE DOES NOT CARE AS MUCH, it’s not as meaningful to their fans.”

DAMN… #Texans owner Hannah McNair was not having the #Titans “taking their Oilers” jerseys and wearing them. “YOU KNOW TENNESSEE DOES NOT CARE AS MUCH, it’s not as meaningful to their fans.”

  1. Titans fans are so pissed about this and I’m here for it😂 also we have the best owners in the whole league

  2. Like I said on twitter, Titans fans don’t care about the history of the Oilers, they only pretend to care because Texans fans actually do care.

    She’s right.

  3. What I’ve really liked about her in interviews with them together is that while Cal says all the PC owner stuff he’s supposed to, she always says the shit we care about. Like when we beat them in those unis Cal was like “it’s good to get a win no matter what the opponent is wearing.” Standard shit. Then she goes “it was important to our fans so it was important to us.” And I was like hell yeah, girl, acknowledge that shit. She was more leaning into it and that’s why I love her more than anyone else in the org. Lol besides Nick of course.

  4. Titans fans so salty. IT wAs juSt oNe GaMe. Sure, that got your HC fired. They’re just mad bc we’re Super Bowl contenders and they’re…well, them.

  5. Facts. They don’t and have never given a shit about the oilers or its history.

    It’s okay though tbh.

    We got the color back so now the oilers can just die the way the Adam’s want them to

  6. I’ve said it before, intellectual property is dumb and stupid. How you gonna copyright a color?

    I don’t give a shit that the Tennessee franchise legally “owns” the color scheme; those colors live in the hearts of Houston football fans! You can’t take that away, much as the Adams family tries.

  7. Friendly reminder Houston has a bigger population than the whole state of Tennessee. Houston’s GDP is also equal to the whole state of Tennessee.

    Also, don’t forget Amy Adams Strunk lives in Willis north of Houston.

  8. lol this originally popped up on my feed from the Titans sub. They are hilariously salty about it.

  9. ![gif](giphy|G5MDBwmdTrVMpuRJix)

    Thanks Hannah! Couldn’t have said it better

  10. We could further upset them by making the Texans ring of honor the Houston football ring of honor, and induct the Oiler greats under generic jerseys ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)

  11. Hannah is fucking right. They care bc WE care, it’s a knife to twist in a division rival. They were the oilers for what a year, maybe two? They kept that color for a reason. I would drive ten miles out of my way to piss on buds grave.

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