[K.C. Johnson] A source said the Bulls recently offered DeRozan’s representative a two-year deal at a high annual salary, perhaps as much as $40 million per season

  1. I love you DeMar and I have been one of your biggest defenders and admirers while with the Bulls – but gonna have to say nope on that salary if true.

  2. A short (2 yr) salary for a #2kke demar is not a lot and tradeble. Zach is untradeable

  3. Is he a great player? Yes

    Is he a great teammate? Yes

    Is he going to remain an effective player into his late 30s? I could see it!

    Has he done a lot for the city? I don’t know the specifics but sure!

    With all of that being said, giving a 34 year old Demar a multi-year contract at over $40 AAV could EASILY become worse than the Zach contract. Not even going to get into Demar’s history of pretty subpar postseason performance but beyond that I have no idea how this is supposed to make us more competitive when we already have no cap space to sign anyone and if we want to make more cap space pretty much none of our players would bring a major return. Especially Mr. $50 million Zach Lavine. I suppose the only hope is getting a disgruntled star for dirt cheap like Raptors with Kawhi or via a sign and trade like the heat did with butler but none of that seems super likely and many teams could outbid us.

    All in all, I don’t see anyone offering Demar better than $40 mil for 2 years so that’s probably what we’re gonna roll with unless we bid against ourselves again or Demar decides he wants to take a major pay cut to win somewhere.

  4. But why? Are we really about to run back the same squad with 2 new role players? You can’t be serious.

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