Ducks fam, which colors should I get? 1, 2, or 3

Ducks fam, which colors should I get? 1, 2, or 3

  1. 1 looks clean and is my personal favorite.

    3 is also looks good too, but it’s hard to sway me away from 1. I’d only pick 3 over 1 if you plan on playing with an away(white) jersey to complement them better.

    I think most people here are in agreement with me that 2 is not the way forward, mostly due to the teal & green not working well together.

  2. Most definitely 1. Those are clean af.

    The colored wrist strap is too much. If you HAD to do colored strap then 2. But hard pass altogether on 3.

  3. Where did ya find these? I know prostock has some Sherwood ones but they don’t have the jade fingers 🙁

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