How are you grading Tee Higgins’ season?

  1. Did we win the Super Bowl?

    Yes: Good job, Tee. Go and get your bag.

    No: Darn. I’ll miss you, Tee. Go and get your bag.

  2. You’re talking 2023? It was a c for me. Worst season of his career, way too many drops, injured, but had some epic plays sprinkled in.

  3. This upcoming season?

    As long as he plays with effort, stays healthy, and gets that drop rate down (12.5% in 2023) he should put up great numbers. He HAS to stay healthy together a passing grade and get that payday that he wants, in my opinion.

  4. Last season? C- maybe D+. He sure wasn’t playing like someone that had a contract extension coming up.

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