Amid Caleb Williams buzz, Bears president set for NFL draft

Amid Caleb Williams buzz, Bears president set for NFL draft

  1. Some interesting stuff on the stadium too, still makes me wonder if the in-town stadium stuff is still a bluff for arlington.

  2. This is such a drastic improvement from the previous regime.

    I actually have optimism for the team’s future

  3. Why is the offseason story about Flus’ beard and shoes when Poles looks like he’s lost like 80+ pounds and no one’s said a thing about it

  4. One article after another about how great Kevin Warren is.

    Meanwhile, IMO, he’s had one job to do since he got here—Get shovels in the ground in Arlington Heights.

    Not only has that not happened, now we’re “talking” about building back in Chicago.

    Kevin Warren must have a hell of a PR guy, because as far as I can see, he hasn’t accomplished anything and gets praised like he has

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