Of All the “Leaks” Floating Around, This Set Looks the Best

  1. What I don’t get is that 3 of the 4 don’t have TV numbers. Those are mandatory so how are these credible?

  2. I think these Tecmo Bowl ass mockups all look like shit and can’t wait until Tuesday to see the actual uniforms on human beings.

  3. Love em all except the home, which sucks because we will wear those the most. Would be cool if we got an alt white helmet to wear on occasion w home and aways.

  4. Which uniform yall think will sell out first? Or that people will buy the most of? I think the h-town theme ones

  5. iirc these are the Antonio Brown leaks

    When this color corrected set came out, I took a strong look at these and came to one conclusion:

    If the Red helmet is good, this set is going to fucking slap.

  6. That style 7 looks ass but yea other than that not bad.

    Still underwhelming as a whole though. At least hoping for the bull helmet to come through

  7. I’m just glad that stupid crescent shoulder accent is being replaced. Was a big factor in making the old unis look so dated.

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