Rebuilding the Right Way

Rebuilding the Right Way

  1. The best part is we stole the Villanova boys

    The 6ers court is basically Knicks home field advantage

  2. Brunson wasn’t really a star pre Knicks deal he was supposed to be a complimentary piece to Randle but damn did the Knicks struck gold there

  3. One big thing to note, a star player on a team where you only start 5 players on the court at the same time with a roster that usually goes 8-10 players deep is MUCH MORE IMPACTFUL compared to a sport where we need 52 men rosters and your star player at best is only on the field 50% of the time because they can’t play both offense and defense.

  4. Football is played with 11 starters on Offense and 11 starters on Defense. Not 5.

    If you think you can take an 6-11 roster, and add one guy and be great, good luck.

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