[Kevin Powell] The #Bears will hold a press conference on Wednesday to announce plans for a new publicly owned stadium on the lakefront:

[Kevin Powell] The #Bears will hold a press conference on Wednesday to announce plans for a new publicly owned stadium on the lakefront:

  1. A lot of us, including myself, have thought this whole thing was a bargaining ploy and they’ve always been intending on building in Arlington Heights?

    It’s starting to appear that this is actually legit.

  2. One thing that probably won’t happen but would be nice really if it did, the L branches off and can pull up to the stadium itself.

  3. The carousel of stupidity keeps on spinning. Great job Bears, you cheapskates.

  4. If the McCaskeys proceed with a publicly owned stadium, it could be their most inept decision yet. Soldier Field has long been criticized as an unsuitable home for the Bears because it is not owned by the team. Sharing parking and other revenue with the city/park district has been a major drawback. The McCaskeys seem to lack the vision and courage to develop a stadium/entertainment district. The only people who could be dumber than the McCaskeys in this scenario are Pritzker and Johnson if they approve public funds for a stadium.

    Even if they announce something on Wednesday, I still believe it’s just a stall tactic until Virginia passes away and the rest of the family can sell the team.

  5. I don’t care where they end up building, but this franchise should not see a dime of taxpayer money to build their new stadium. They Bears can absolutely figure out a way to pay for this themselves.

  6. Why have a press conference the day before the biggest draft in years? A lot of the press were probably going to be in detroit on wednesday and now they have to be at this press conference. I’m sure they can make it work, but some weird timing.

  7. Publicly owned? You mean publicly financed?

    I don’t fucking see a god damn red cent from any profits on publicly owned but privately capitalized spaces. In fact, I lose money since I’m the one visiting downtown hotels and restaurants with regularity and pay regular ass taxes to make these scumbags more wealthy while I literally kill myself and thank the gods I get to take a vacation every once in a while… And I’m one of the lucky ones.

    Fuck this shit.

  8. Virginia got damn lucky Mugs died under mysterious circumstances. Her branch of the family is beyond incompetent. Warren is also proving to be an idiot

  9. Could northwestern/bears do a stadium together? Or has NW already started on the new stadium

  10. If the Friends of the Parks (FOTP) is on board then it stands a better than equal chance. If this organization is against it, it’ll never happen. These guys blocked the George Lucas museum.

  11. And people will keep saying that Arlington Heights dropped the ball on this. It’s not Arlington Heights fault, it’s the school districts fault. All over a couple million in taxes they wouldn’t see for years. Now that land will sit vacant for years, and when something is built on it, it will be nowhere near the money maker it could have been.

    Yes I obviously live in Arlington Heights, and I’m good friends with people who are higher ups at the village. So it’s so deflating when all of this work went into it, only to be fucked up by people who can’t think about the long term.

  12. I know this sub is mostly city dwellers but man they’re messing up with this.

    Gonna make the parking issues way worse and the stadium will have restrictions in how big it can be.

  13. The penalty if they relocate in the next 40 years had better be fucking astronomical.

    Also, figure out a way to add a L spur to serve the museum campus, Soldier and McCormick.

  14. I wonder where they would play in the meantime? Can’t do Ryan Field because THATS gone. Illinois is an option again, I suppose. Illinois State has a nice stadium too

  15. Its always disgusting when a city publicly funds a stadium but it especially pisses me off when the cheap fuck McCaskeys do it.

    They constantly pinch pennies and print money from our dumbass fans and do nothing to improve the organization.

    When were a major media market has the smallest stadium and we finally decide to upgrade theyre gonna cheap out again and make us pay for it?

    Fuck that shit.

    If they want a publicly funded stadium they can win us 3 superbowls first.

  16. I’m not mad that Da Bears are staying in Chicago. However, I have a gut feeling that this new stadium will have issues in 20 years, and the Bears and the City or Chicago will be at each other’s throats again.

  17. “Publicly owned” where the public doesn’t get shit but overpriced tickets and parking

  18. Just an extra large helping of shortsightedness here, both from the Bears and the school districts.

    The school districts pissed away a golden opportunity to get oceans of money for decades by trying to greedily squeeze the Bears for a few million bucks right now. I don’t know the heads of those school districts, but they have to be some of the most incompetent and ignorant people in history. They will never get even close to the tax revenue they would have gotten from a stadium from any other development that eventually goes there.

    And then you have the Bears, squandering a chance to fully own a veritable theme park of attractions including football, retail, gambling, and hotels. They’d have so much cash coming in they’d have to pile it up into outer space. Instead they do this bullshit. They truly could fuck up a cup of coffee

  19. This sucks

    Because this means there’s no chance the McCaskeys sell. Really thought them building their own stadium would signal that happening

  20. Hope Warren has a good answer for the infrastructure. How the hell are they going to accommodate more parking when there isn’t enough now? “Official parking” at Adler and 31st is a substantial walk.

    Inadequate public transportation and only two ways in and out of the Museum campus. Don’t know a lot about other stadiums but the Bears and Chicago have to be near the top of dumbest logistics for a major sports team.

  21. “While everyone is feeling good about tomorrow’s draft we are here to share that the new stadium will cost the good tax payers of Chicago an arm, a leg, their first born child all while ticket prices are out of your budget range so only the wealthy can attend the games paid for by you, the working middle class.

    So a big thank you for paying for all this super nice stadium while us rich folk benefit from the fruits of your labor”

  22. “Publicly Owned”? That’s an interesting way of saying Publicly Financed. Not my money, but still….

  23. Whats with the timing of this announcement? The day before the draft? That seems like a news dump or something.

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