Robert Kraft “not comfortable” supporting Columbia University as pro-Palestinian protests continue.

Robert Kraft “not comfortable” supporting Columbia University as pro-Palestinian protests continue.

  1. Okay I’m fine with one or two of these but they’re nearly outnumbering the draft content at this point.

  2. This is at least politics-posting done right. Serious tag, not editorializing the title, and from a frequent poster in /r/Patriots.

  3. I mean the dude has donated tons of money in the last few years to orgs that fight anti semitism and orgs centered in Israel, regardless of how you feel this isn’t exactly surprising

  4. It’s fucked up the mods keep deleting posts about this subject. They allow posts and comments about how “cheap” the Krafts are but won’t allow this discussion.

  5. I’m sure the woman Kraft paid to give him a happy ending felt real comfortable.

  6. I felt “not comfortable” watching this team play last year but here we are. Kraft is ruining his legacy this offseason

  7. Fuck Kraft dude is a POS and has fucked the organization for the next generation of pats fan

  8. I mean Israel is in the wrong and committing genocide but Hamas is also hiding behind civilians

    But also Kraft has been pro Israel for so long so not surprised

  9. Listen, I understand this is team related news, but I’m just so damn exhausted by the constant bad news about the world and what’s going on in it. I know these issues are real and important, but I’m here for football related content about the Patriots and to escape the chaos of the world.

    Mods, please consider banning political posts entirely, even if team related. There are plenty of subreddits to talk politics and conversations about the Israel-Palestine war almost immediately become toxic.

  10. Not really disappointing or surprising. This is the exact bad take I expect from Kraft. The sooner this loser is away from the Pats, the better.

  11. Brother the last thing I want is /r/Patriots opinion on international politics. This shit is getting locked within hours.

  12. Well done Robert.

    It’s sad and scary to see young Americans spewing hate, and advancing the interests of a terrorist state.

  13. I don’t care about kraft’s opinions other than his shitty belichick takes. 

  14. I’m getting sick of kraft. It’s one thing to smear belichick but now you’re basically smearing the only people with the courage to stand up to a genocide.

  15. I don’t care who you are but arresting people for protesting genocide (yes, genocide, you don’t kill 35,000 civilians and counting incidentally, let’s not be naive) is never a good look. Antisemitism is on the rise too of course and that shouldn’t be overlooked, but being upset that they aren’t arresting enough genocide protestors is kind of a wild take.

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