Why are we the team with imposter Marlins men behind home plate? Do Silicon Valley dads have nothing better to do?

Why are we the team with imposter Marlins men behind home plate? Do Silicon Valley dads have nothing better to do?

  1. Dunno if this is in any way true but I heard the original guy gets tickets for these puds in other ballparks so his brand stays out there

  2. Hilarious dudes doing the fake umpire thing as well… Quite droll. Quite.

    All we’re missing is someone in a full party clown outfit.

  3. Marlins Man is well known for giving hot chicks his seats at various events in exchange for wearing his gear… and who knows what else. Maybe he’s a switch hitter?

  4. I was literally just about to post the same exact picture/comment. Glad I’m not the only one thinking this. Usually, it’s only the guy who’s second from the left and maybe another person. Needless to say, that dude is a jabroni.

    The original Marlins man was sort of funny like 12 years ago when he first started gaining exposure. It was like “haha, you’re wearing Marlins gear at games they’re not in and sitting in the best seats in the building,” but now his act has gotten old. The wannabe Marlins guys are just sad.

  5. The Marlin Douchebag started a decade ago with a single Marlin fan who would be at WS & post season games. Now it’s a whole family.

  6. It’s not a big deal let them have their fun. If you don’t like it, feel free to to buy those tickets and wear whatever you want

  7. How about the extra umpire a couple over from these mugs —-> calling his own game?


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