Love the whole lineup. Sure, I coulda done without the mullet helmet stripe but overall I think this is a huge upgrade.

  1. It’s really good. I’m really looking forward to the mix and matching with the pants though. I’ve wanted that for a long time now and it never could happen because of that damn striping. Well I mean, they did it last season but the reason they never did before was evident.

  2. I’m probably an outlier, but I love the new unis! I think they’re unique, clean, and modern.

  3. These would be so much cleaner with the white helmet. It’s a shame we won’t ever see that

  4. Totally agree. Not a huge fan of the colored pants with the white away jerseys, really hoping they embrace white/white for away but overall love the jerseys!

  5. I like all of them and like all the possible combos too. I mean we’re probably not going to see Orange with blue pants but I think that’d be ace.

    When you get in close, see the triangles and start to hear some of the marketing guff around it, that’s the only thing that turns me off.

  6. Are the white combos an official uniform? Asking particularly bc I thought there was some rule about wearing white 

  7. At worst, the uniforms are a lateral move. I’m not sure why so many people are complaining about them. It’s not like they got worse.

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