Happy Trails Zach

Happy Trails Zach

  1. I know everyone is happy to have zach gone, but I can’t help but feel anything but sad looking at this.

  2. At least we got 2 nice years with Marky Mark and probably should have had at least one SB appearance out of it.

    I remember after Sam bounced back and looked amazing in that Lions game I was so stoked

    Geno I never really warmed up to

    Zach had a few nice games, like that Titans game his rookie year and I think he ended that year looking really good, so there was hope. But alas he went the way of other Jets QBs.

    I honestly don’t know if this team just sucks at drafting the position, if the team sucks at developing the position or if we’re just plain cursed and it doesn’t matter who we draft. Like I feel we could have drafted Patrick Mahomes and he would be mediocre here.

  3. Him and Becton both gone. Idk how to react. but, ZW is gone. can’t wait to see him run 30 yards backwards for the broncos

  4. I know this is a tabloid but frankly the excessive hype is more embarrassing for the newspaper than it is for the team or the player.

  5. Sanchez will never not pain me, I wanted him to work out so badly.

    Geno didn’t feel like a leader. He was thrown into the starter role as a rookie and had a bad attitude the following two years.

    Darnold and Zach were just sad affairs for different reasons.

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