PLAYER GRADES C THROUGH F-. It’s finally player grade time!!! Grades were given relative to expectations. Who did we get right and who did we royally mess up on? I already know you all will let us know.

PLAYER GRADES C THROUGH F-. It’s finally player grade time!!! Grades were given relative to expectations. Who did we get right and who did we royally mess up on? I already know you all will let us know.

  1. While kyrou didn’t put up point per game, he was only 6 points back of last year while being +26 from last year (-12 compared to -38). His 2 way game showed improvement. While -12 isn’t great I don’t think +/- should be the end all be all stat. A C feels kinda harsh to me, maybe a B or B- would be a bit more fair, plus played every game.

  2. I feel like Hayes being an F is a bit unfair. I understand that his contract hurts and should put him at around a C. Otherwise I personally think he gives you what he plays as, which is a 3rd liner role

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