What should our 3rd helmet look like?

What should our 3rd helmet look like?

  1. I want a mix of old and new.

    Take the feather from Bucco Bruce, make it both red and orange. Put that on one side of the helmet like you’ve got a feather in your cap, and have player number on the other side.

    Don’t care if it’s white or pewter base, but you’d be able to wear it with red, white, pewter, or creamsicle jerseys.

  2. Cannon ball black with enlarged old school skull and swords

    Red with TB or Tampa Bay on it – maybe inquire our ship logo of some kind

    would love to see some concepts

  3. I say we go wild with it. It should be Bucco Bruce’s hat, with feather and all. Or a colorful parrot rocking an eye patch

  4. For me, the ship that is currently on the sleeve could work as the logo on the helmet.

  5. I don’t think we need a 3rd honestly between our normal one and bucco Bruce were good

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