Tampa Bay claimed goaltender interference

Tampa Bay claimed goaltender interference

Tampa Bay claimed goaltender interference
byu/Hockey-Daily innhl

  1. Yeah that wasn’t one of those, “oopsie I got pushed and now I’m going to fall directly on the goalie” falls, either. Hagel gave him a decent shove.

  2. It for sure wasn’t, as Tkachuk was pushed but with how consistent the refs are on calling goaltender interference I see making the gamble.

  3. Technically it was goalie interference, but was not a penalty because he was pushed into the goalie as others have stated.

  4. If Hagel didn’t do that stupid push, Vasy may have been able to square up and make the save.

  5. Fuck Tampa. I’m an Oilers fan and I stand by my Flames enemies that the puck was in.

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