1. Sure but this is using a specific cut off date that is past the time when we spent a top 5 pick on oline.

  2. I suppose we haven’t needed to. I expect Ballard to add this year though.

  3. Coincidentally the Colts have generally have had a good OL since 2018…

    And the only position they needed to replace in that timeframe was LT who they turned a mid round project into a good LT

  4. Helps when you get 60% of your line in 2018 or before and your other 40 in rounds 3 and 7

  5. I think it’s funny the Giants are number 1 and their OL is terrible. Like worst in the league terrible

  6. 3 of our starting positions were drafted high in 2018 and 2016.

    Turns out you don’t have to keep drafting OL high if you already have them.

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