Bears proposed stadium looks awfully familiar.. 🤔🤨

Bears proposed stadium looks awfully familiar.. 🤔🤨

  1. So that’s what it looks like without the torch. Does the Windy City know we don’t open the lanai doors cause of wind?

  2. Same architect(s) designed both which is why there are all of these similarities. A lot of copy and paste in the design it seems.

  3. Glad I wasn’t only one that thought so! Thought it was just me seeing it all thru my silver and black sunglasses…🏴‍☠️

  4. Yeah at double the price. Aren’t they still paying off the reno they did on their current stadium?

  5. I have so many questions about your choices while putting these pictures together

  6. Just a FYI US Bank in Minneapolis has a similar interior design to Allegiant (not the outer shell of course). It was the same developer so I’m willing to bet the Bears went with the same people too clearly.

  7. If you mean it looks like a domed stadium, u r right. If u r saying it looks like ours specifically, then u r delusional

  8. Most stadiums look pretty similar. It’s almost like they all have to hold the same shape on the inside, and that dictates a bunch of details that show up in all of them.

  9. Looks like they don’t have VIP tables lining the end zone. Thats a major improvement.

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