Jimmy 😭😭😭

Jimmy 😭😭😭

  1. C’s fans really being like β€œWELLL ACKSHUALLY THIS DOESNT MAKE SENSE” saying that they said it before winning one last year and Jimmy posting it after the first win. Dudes in their feelings after losing

  2. I know what he’s going for here but seeing Jimmy in a Celtics jersey makes me want to rinse my eyes with bleach

  3. I get the point of the post… but man… the price to pay is being cursed to see Jimmy in a C’s jersey… it pains me deeply

  4. I knew this was coming let’s fucking gooooπŸ”₯β˜„οΈπŸ’―πŸ˜€

  5. Dammit I miss you Jimmy.

    Whole league rooting for y’all Heat team right now…didn’t have that on my bingo card.

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