Caleb Williams is a Bear today!!

Draft day!!!

Caleb Williams is a Bear today!!
byu/Kirbybros inCHIBears

  1. This is amazing and I have already spammed a bunch of my friends and family with it. Let’s do the damn thing!!!

  2. This has to be the funniest thing I woke up high to on draft day ever πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ»

  3. I would have an ounce of optimism if Poles had canned Flus and didnt just set Caleb up for a new coach in a year

  4. God, I love this place right now. Hopium at an all-time high and I am fucking here for it. LFG BEAR DOWN BABAY!

  5. You could have made a text post and not cursed my eyes with this sight I can never unsee

  6. I’m worried about Poles knees. I’ve got an ortho appt tomorrow morning. Think I might bring him with.

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