The Padres has the “THAT’S WHATS INNN” curse song. Now Edmonton has this…

The Padres has the “THAT’S WHATS INNN” curse song. Now Edmonton has this…

The Padres has the “THAT’S WHATS INNN” curse song. Now Edmonton has this…
byu/Trickzyz inlosangeleskings

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  2. It kind of looks like u/KingsMenPodcast in disguise.

    I’m actually kind of impressed that they’re so willing to jinx themselves like this. The cockiness is astounding.

  3. Good Lord. Why did I even watch 0:15 of that? That’s embarrassing.

    Kings should parody it and put it on the Jumbotron.

  4. Is this satire?,if not it should be.If I was an Oiler fan I would be embarrassed

  5. Richie Valenz came back to life and crashed himself into the Midwest again to make this song die.

  6. That is the single most whitest/cringiest thing I’ve ever heard. Richie Valens is turning in his grave over that one.

  7. I now have eye and ear cancer. Thank you.

    HAHAHA. Please someone pin this post for the rest of the playoffs. Canadians in EDM are a bunch of fucking idiots for thinking this was a good idea.. my goodness.. fucking endless chirp material though.

    “Kings score!”

    “La bomba Motherfucker.”

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