Saw this at a vintage store yesterday… whatever world they live in, I want to join

Saw this at a vintage store yesterday… whatever world they live in, I want to join

  1. Think this was made during 96 series when Braves were up 3 games to 1 and lost to Yankees?


    I imagine there are some ATL falcons SB champions shirts somewhere too.

  2. Oh here I am, going about my day, happy as I can be and YOU DECIDE TO PUNCH ME IN THE BALLS AS HARD AS YOU CAN WITH THIS?!?

  3. Is it me…or is the writing in another language under the “We Win”? If you zoom in you can see….not sure if it is the writing or quality of the pic. 😂

  4. Back then they would print one for each team. They had to be ready immediately after the final game and that could only be done in advance. The “incorrect” ones are supposed to be disposed of. Obviously at least one wasn’t. Source, been in the industry for 40 years.
    Edited for spelling. 

  5. Man I’m glad I was too young for that one. I don’t think I’d have ever gotten over it.

    Thank god for 2021.

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