Why trade in front of the Packers three years in a row?

Why trade in front of the Packers three years in a row?

Why trade in front of the Packers three years in a row?
byu/Zeketec indetroitlions

  1. I just watched a lions roar restored video by a football fan and he included the clip from 2022 last game vs packers with MCDC, a reporter said “you just found out a few mins ago that you were eliminated from the playoffs, what’s your motivation today?” MCDC “we don’t want them to go. That’s our motivation” this meme is the spirit of MCDC from that moment

  2. I worked at a kinkos for 9 months in the early 2000s. Pop copies is painfully accurate. Hell even if we did the customer a favor and skipped their procrastinating ass to the front of the line they’d still file a complaint. Sorry we only use linux

  3. A chat of FTP needs to break out EVERY time they pick from now on!!! Let’s make it happen!!

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