Help identifying a vintage phillies jersey

Hey guys 😀 I've recently stumbled across this vintage Phillies jersey on UK ebay. I love the design, it reminds me of KBO jerseys. My question is, does anyone have any backstory to when these were released, and moreso, are they essentially just funky designs that the players never actually wore? I see a few different variations, and they are all "starter" which i know is a legit brand. But would appreciate any backstory before I buy? Many thanks guys 😀

  1. These are just a Starter design from the 90s. Never game worn. Throw on some JNCO jeans, turn your hat sideways, call everyone “homie” and you’re good to go.

  2. Reminds me of the ones my mom could afford at Wal-Mart so I could wear Phils gear to school.

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