Our fanbase summed up in 9 seconds.

Our fanbase summed up in 9 seconds.

Our fanbase summed up in 9 seconds.
byu/AccomplishedAd4995 incanucks

  1. Last year Boeser was a net detriment and we wanted to give Garland away. This season Petey will never figure it out and Demko is too fragile. Everyone needs to look back on every bad theory and take they have had and chill out sometimes.

  2. I’d like to hear the full interview for proper context of who he was referring to but as a sound bite that’s a pretty funny clip. Cole is so well spoken and honest with the media.

  3. All lies. Canucks fans as a whole were definitely doubting the hot run back in November. 💀

  4. What was the context tho? What else did he say? Cuz previously he’d been pretty complimentary to the market. But this snippet makes it sound like he’s about to take a shit on it.

  5. This is embarrassing I know, but Imma be honest… I have no idea who that is.

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