Who won Night 1 of the draft? | ‘GMFB’

your quick thoughts on that before we
jump into our lead block well we’ll just
do the lead block who won the night guys
when we start talking about this draft
obviously we had Caleb Williams coming
off the board and then after that we
were talking about as many as Six coming
off at the quarterback position we saw
just that uh but I am curious when you
guys look at this draft obviously we
focused on Caleb Williams we’ve talked
about JJ McCarthy going to Minnesota B
Nicks a bit of a shocker going to Denver
but if you had to pick out of all the 32
teams that picked in that first round
who would you say Kyle will start with
you one one night
one well I have a few things to say
about what the Chicago Bears did last
night I’m going to get comfortable I got
time today Jason uh I saw Caleb Williams
come onto the stage and scream and I
think he was really mirroring a lot of
what the Bears fans were doing but I I I
have a lot of love for the Lions fans
lot of love for the Lions fans I think
they know that I wish I could say though
Lions fans that I have nothing but love
for you I I it’s not true I also have
kind of an announcement I have a little
bit of a warning and it’s for the Lions
fans here we go and it’s for the Vikings
fans and yes it’s for the Packers fans
okay is this thing on can you hear me
it’s on the Chicago Bears are no longer
yours to kick around do you understand
it changed it’s over now and frankly
Lions fans you weren’t kicking him
around anyways this is big boy stuff now
this is Varsity stuff now when the
schedule comes out and you see the
Little Bears logo on a given week that’s
going to be a bad thing when you watch
Red Zone they’re going to go to the
Bears and that’s going to be a bad thing
you can go ahead and make your jokes and
you’re conditioned to joke about the
Bears and to mock the Bears I understand
that I saw last night Ross Tucker tweets
out I haven’t seen Bears fans this
excited since they drafted Justin field
three years ago Ross is one of the
biggest jerks in the industry I would
expect that from him go ahead it’s fine
get it all out now because last night
was the most exciting night for Chicago
Bears I think in 5 years and that
includes games and you might say oh
that’s so sad that’s really sad it is
sad it’s been tough seding I’m not
denying it’s been a tough tough time and
I hear this you know it’s not how many
times you get knocked down it’s how many
times you get backed up no it’s how many
times you get knocked down I don’t know
what kind of Freddy roach was talking
about there it’s it is how many times
you get knocked down and they’re not
getting knocked down anymore make your
jokes because you can’t attack the
talent kayum Williams is going to start
his first game as a Chicago Bear and
he’s going to look around in the Huddle
and he’s going to see adun and DJ and
Keenan and Gerald and KT and Swift and
Herbert you know what he’s not going to
see all those guys because they can’t
all fit in the damn huddle the Bears
have so many players they need two Ubers
to get around they can’t even fit into
the Uber XL they need a second one one
so go ahead and make all of your nail
polish jokes do it I know it’s done out
of insecurity and for the first time in
years I can say as a bears Enthusiast
it’s done out of jealousy they’re the
cool team they’re the loaded team soak
it in it’s real you’re not dreaming it
happened and it’s going to keep
happening and Peter I’m going to finish
with this you remember the kisi right of
course of course and the kisi is giving
a speech to Tyrion and kisi says
Lannister Stark Targaryen they’re all
just spokes on a wheel and it spins
round and round and tyrion’s not
impressed and he says oh you’re going to
stop the wheel I understand a lot of
people have tried to do that kisi says
no I’m not going to stop the wheel I’m
going to break the wheel and I would say
to Bears fans Fields trabis Cutler
they’re all just on a wheel ma count it
goes around and around and around Caleb
Williams is not going to stop the wheel
he’s going to break the wheel he is the
breaker of Wheels the Mover of change
the Chicago Bears are no longer yours to
laugh at meme about and kick around soak
it in swallow it it’s happening it’s
real take that in come on now come on
now end well bleeping down let’s go bear
bleeping down that didn’t end well for
though do you hear hear me bear
down they hear it do you hear I said
Bear Down come
on do you hear it listen up they hear it
do you hear
it go now
go taking it from there let me let me
let me go from here Kyle well done
please Kyle just talked about a morab
buun franchise that hasn’t had any good
moment in about 20 years and he’s
enjoying himself and he’s getting let me
talk about the Super Bowl champion
Kansas City Chiefs here instead let me
talk about this let me talk about the
Chiefs because well Super Bowl because
whereas there are 31 there are 31 other
fan bases who are sitting on the edge of
their seats last night and they’re
believing like Kyle that they’re
suddenly Super Bowl contenders there is
a team in Kansas City that everyone
should be trying to stop from doing it
yet again and sure enough I’m watching
last night at the draft board is falling
and things are happening and we’re going
and there’s trades and there’s no trades
and the white how is the rest of the
league going to let the Kansas City
Chiefs draft Xavier worthy at 28 overall
question please keep going we are okay
there’s only 32 teams at some point 31
of you have to call each other and say
let’s not give the Chiefs the fastest
player to ever show up at the combine
they should collude they should collude
in some way and say okay one of us has
to bite the bullet one of us get in
front of the Chiefs and make sure Xavier
worthy doesn’t go to the Kansas City
Chiefs what’s the the Jessie Pinkman he
can’t keep getting away with this it’s
insane to me that the Kansas City Chiefs
quietly move up four picks and get a guy
who ran a 4 2 3 40 a couple months ago
that we all saw and here’s the thing
with worthy I know he’s only 170 lbs and
people at home are say ah he’s just a
lightweight wide receiver played three
years in college is 5’1 He’s listed at
6’1 at the Texas media guy
listen to Peter we’re making teligent
keep going let’s go um and I this is one
of those deals where like he is a true
receiver he runs routes he does it all
he does the route tree he interviewed
with teams he was great I had Xavier
worthy going 17 in my mock draft a lot
people were like he might be gone top 12
top 13 like that’s how high The League
is on him right now 28 to the Chiefs the
Kansas City Chiefs they won the Super
Bowl last year they won the Super Bowl
this year they won the NFL draft night
day one they get Xavier worthy they add
him to a team and guess what Travis
Kelce has added 5 years to his career
you can dance and sing and be a tortured
poet with your girlfriend you can do it
all because you know what they’re going
to be flying trying to chase down Maris
Brown and Xavier worthy Travis Kel is
goingon to have single covered
underneath the Chiefs get the pick from
somebody the NFC like the Buffalo Bill
the team they’ve been tormenting for
years the team that traded them to momes
pick oh my God Chiefs won the draft
Bears enjoy your big weekend in April
all right Jason what do you got I’m so
disappointed that my kids already left
for school because Kyle was getting the
crowd and everybody involved I was going
to have them just file in and I was
going to have them do a skull clap
behind me as I
about no no doubt about it this on TV
like don’t listen to that crazy man get
him off the screen but I’m rolling with
the Minnesota Vikings as winning the
night we talked about them getting JJ
McCarthy but we thought when they made
that trade with the Houston Texans weeks
ago that they were doing that to
possibly have to move up into the top
five to get the quarterback that they
wanted they didn’t have to do that only
had to bump up one spot from 11 to 10 to
land the quarterback that they believe
is the guy that’s going to lead them
into the future all right they had pick
23 they weren’t done yet they move up
six spots and go and get Dallas Turner
the defensive guy that a lot of people
had is their first guy coming off the
board on that side of the ball and when
Dallas Turner gets drafted they show him
walking up to that Podium to meet
Goodell he looked like a crazy man he
looked pissed off that he was waiting in
the Green Room for so long it was a walk
where he was talking to himself he
looked like he was getting ready to
check in the game and cause Havoc so I
look at this from their standpoint and
you talk about adding Brian Flores last
year to the defense now you go out and
you get a guy like Dallas Turner but
also Jonathan Greener Andrew Van van GLE
those guys that they added to the
defensive side of the ball and now Kevin
oconnell gets a quarterback that he
believes can get him over the top the
one thing that oconnell said about JJ
McCarthy after drafting him was when you
talk to his teammates and everybody
there at Michigan the one thing that
they all said he came through for that
team whenever they needed him most and
Minnesota feels like that’s what they
were missing at their quarterback
position with Kurt Cousins whether it
all works out or not we’ll see that in
the coming future Jane one the night who
you rolling
with look I think it’s hard to make a
case for anyone other than the Bears I
think Kyle uh eloquently laid it all out
they’ve coming with a stacked coverboard
a lot of weapons I want to put Peter and
Kyle on the spot just a little bit and
if we have time Jason I’ll throw you in
aside from Atlanta was there any pick
that you kind of went me in the first
round sure yeah well listen I can speak
for the fans um I think the Giants
drafted him a leag neighbors and we all
like neighbors but everyone’s like wait
a second they’re going to trade this or
they’re going to draft the quarterback
and I think there was I think there was
a palpable amongst the Giants fan base
and listen that’s a reflection of Daniel
Jones and that’s a reflection of all of
us buying into the draft type for the
last month that they’re moving on moving
on they ain’t moving on and Le is going
to be catching pass to Daniel Jones I
think that was a little surpris you talk
about me like it’s we don’t know so we
we this is too soon but like the Cowboys
sitting there at 24 were going all in
push the chips and they end up trading
back and taking a Tyler gon who might be
a project we don’t know maybe he starts
right away but the expectation is it
might take him a while to get there to
me if you’re a Dallas fan this morning
you’re like that’s a smart pick long
term but if we’re all in and we’re
looking for a Super Bowl like I don’t
know if gon gets us over we have to talk
about another one too like the bills
player last
and they traded their pick to the Chiefs
to get the fastest wide receiver in
history Jason talk about it like we the
digs trade happens and you’re like well
Bean will take care of it and listen you
trust your GM he has a plan he moved
back I’m I’m sure he has a plan but
after night one they’re like what are we
doing what are we doing I think there’s
a little fear this morning in Buffalo
definitely Bill’s Mafia has to be
wondering there was a meme going around
the internet where you have your dinner
right there in front of you and they
lift the top off and there’s absolutely
nothing on the plate and that’s how fans
had to feel because you’re expecting
them to at least go out and get a
receiver in a draft that is so deep and
we see guys go at the end of the first
round Ricky Pierce saw Legette goes as
well and the Buffalo trades out and they
don’t bring anybody into that franchise
so if you’re talking about a meh type of
performance I don’t think I can look
past the Buffalo
Bills this is really in the weeds but if
you’re one of the fans at the end of the
first round this is fascinating so the
Kansas City Chiefs traded the pick they
then trade the pick again and then the
bills Trad the pick so the 32nd pick is
sitting there I can tell you there were
about five teams trying to move up to 32
so why would the last pick of the first
round matter if you draft one of these
wide receivers with the last pick of the
first round or any pick in the first
round you get them for five years you
get the four years and the fifth year
option if you take them one day later
you only get them for four years so
Carolina was calling but so are other
teams to get up to 32 and the player is
Xavier Legette but you saw David terer
the owner of the Panthers doing like a
clap and they were so excited they look
like they got him on a bargain price
because we got an extra year on him but
there were other teams calling up too it
was kind of neat to watch all those wide
receivers at the end but I don’t know
anybody and Tom peliso and I were
talking about I don’t know anybody that
had Ricky peol going before ad Mitchell
and going before lad makoni so maybe the
biggest shocker of the night was
actually San Francisco taking Ricky peel
in the first in the first round but you
know what that was the guy that had
their eyes on loves contact and he’s
going to love having a big moment with
auk and Debo out there in San Francisco
where are we going guys let’s keep this
train rolling now the speculation they
might move on going to say now the
speculation they might move on from Deo
Samuel is just
fascinating right
on all right

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  1. What y'all think of Ricky Pearsall for the Niners? I think he's underrated but for a first round pick we could've drafted other positions?

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