Pillar out, Pham in per Ken Rosenthal

  1. Might make another post with this but Pillar was on Foul Territory a few minutes ago. Really awesome interview to hear a guy who was just DFA’ed talk right after he got the bad news. 

    He had a lot of good things to say though. Said the team is working hard and the clubhouse is good – a big difference from what he had heard coming in. Didn’t have a lot of criticism of the team or clubhouse. He did say the team just seems to have this feeling around them that they’re gonna lose and it’s something that needs to change but it’s hard to do. 

  2. garbage in, garbage out

    rearranging deck chairs on the titanic

    missing the forest for the trees

    it’s turtles all the way down

    the more things change the more they stay the same

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