Keon Coleman is wearing #0, Cole Bishop is wearing #24.

Keon Coleman is wearing #0, Cole Bishop is wearing #24.

  1. Skill position players wearing non traditional numbers really awakens the cranky boomer in me.

  2. You wear #0 as a rookie WR that is gonna be heavily scrutinized you better be ready to play.

    Sounds dumb but if you rock 0, 00, or 69 you better have game.

  3. I love the 0. When we retire it after winning 4 straight Super Bowls we can go back to normal numbers.

  4. 0 is pretty popular in college. Every team has a guy (sometimes two) wearing it.

  5. What’s next negative numbers? Fractions? Irrational? Imaginary numbers? Where does it end?

  6. So save your prayers
    For when we’re really gonna need them
    Throw out your cares and fly
    Wanna go for a ride?

  7. Back in the 70’ and 80’s Kenny Burrough played for the Houston Oilers and wore 00.

    I couldn’t recall his name right away and looked him up, passed away in 2022 at only 73.

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