G27 @ ATL Starting Lineup 04-27 (SPs: RHP Tanner Bibee vs. RHP Charlie Morton)

G27 @ ATL Starting Lineup 04-27 (SPs: RHP Tanner Bibee vs. RHP Charlie Morton)

  1. This lineup is probably the best bet we got for now, well, with the pieces who aren’t in Columbus…

    (Sit the fuck down Ramon)

  2. I like it. 

    I would have rested Rocchio yesterday and Gimenez today, personally though. Rocchio hasn’t been able to hit LHP in MLB to this point and Gimenez does. But hopefully the rest day let Andres clear his head and get back to being patient and selective. 

  3. Vogt saw what happened with Rocchio, Hedges and Laureano all in the same lineup and went “Aight. Fair.”

    Like everyone else, I’m hoping the rest day did Gimmy some good. This looks like it should be a passable roster for tonights game.

  4. Already spotted 2 guards hats and a Ricky Vaughn jersey at the Mets game. And another guards hat in Chelsea before I went to the game lol

  5. Vogt means business. I think that’s our strongest lineup right now. C’mon Manz, C’mon JRod,,,

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