[Charania] Oklahoma City’s Mark Daigneault has won the 2023-24 NBA Coach of the Year award.

  1. We all knew it, now they know it. Let’s finish this SWEEP tomorrow and watch coach D do his thing!

  2. Incredibly deserved, best coach we’ve ever had and complements our team identity perfectly.

  3. Somehow our last 3 coaches have all won COTY with the team lmao. 3 COTYs and 3 MVPs from the Thunder pipeline.

  4. How was it not unanimous!?

    Now, let’s pull a Major League and win the whole damn thing!!


    PS – hoping for a clips/mavs 7 game bloodbath. Get those old guys tired!!

  5. Let’s fucking go!! Well deserved. Cheers to (hopefully) many more years squinting from the sidelines!

  6. ![gif](giphy|FNJAOr81Th7uShX8QO|downsized)

    It wasn’t unanimous?!?! Congrats Coach!!! Thanks for leading this dog pack🥲

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