Jalen Suggs is getting a better whistle than LeBron James…

Just an egregious and blatant attempt to cheat him.

  1. Crazy seeing other players parading to the line from “marginal contact” yet they allow defenders to maul LeBron over and over again.

    LeBron somehow gets shit for flopping but he really should do it more because actually trying to score through contact doesn’t get rewarded but flailing around like Jokic does. Refs should be embarrassed with how they actually prefer players that try to game the system.

  2. On one of the plays last night, they intentionally fouled Lebron and refs didn’t call it.

  3. The 40 year old meth head that plays ball at the local YMCA gets a better whistle than Lebron.

    As I said before on here two things sealed my view that the NBA is nothing but entertainment and nothing more. When after the Colorado incident that Kobe suddenly stopped getting the calls that he used to get. And how after Lebron left for Miami how he never got the calls he once did.

    It was garbage that suddenly all time greats stopped getting calls they once got based on public and media pressure / views of them.

  4. I wish Magic coveted DLO enough to give up Wendel Carter Jr and Jalen Suggs for ex they value Jonathan Issac and Paulo so much

  5. The NBA is turning into such a trash league. Honestly I used to get so pumped about playoffs and now I don’t care. It’s beyond frustrating how games are played and how they’re called. It’s not a serious league anymore.

    Players making ridiculous money when they’re scrubs and ride the bench. Lebron, I wonder when he’s done if he will address the lack of calls he gets. It’s too bad this once great game is less entertaining than a college game.

    I miss the days when it was men getting to be men. Now, you can’t trash talk, can’t foul without it being a flagrant, etc etc.

  6. Denver has an insane whistle by comparison. Minimal contact brushing past someone gets a whistle on one end, and they’re jumping into Lebron on every drive.

    Then couple that with Jokic moving into guys on every screen, there was one screen where he sidestepped left to screen and then immediately side stepped right to screen. Back to back moving screens and not one is called.

    Also, watch Jokic on defense. The rule is you have to be within a reasonable distance of another offensive player and not in the key, also that player can’t be guarded by someone else. Jokic hangs out in the paint not guarding anybody for more than 3 seconds seemingly every few plays. They called it only once, and that was yesterday’s game.

    Lets not forget that D’angelo got hit in the end down the stretch of game 2 during their comeback, and they didn’t even call a foul after reviewing. Saying the ball left his hands. Whaaaaaat, you can hit in the head as long as they don’t have the ball? Is this prison ball? Better rescind a lot of flagrant fouls then.

    Jokic complains on literally every single call, whether it is against him or not. It must be working because the referee’s have been loving the Nuggets, even on the road!! So much for home court advantage with officiating.

  7. He complains so much that I’m convinced all the refs just hate him now.

    Also, he’s so strong, fouls aren’t as obvious in real time. Shaq used to deal with the same thing.

  8. Most of the refs are white. They definitely hate LeBron and his political advocacies

  9. The league doesn’t control/profit off LBJ like they did with MJ, so they work against him. Could even argue the league and its interests profit more from his failures and shortcomings on court than they do when he wins.

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