Montour’s crosscheck on Kucherov

Montour’s crosscheck on Kucherov

Montour’s crosscheck on Kucherov
byu/Wayf4rer inTampaBayLightning

  1. Posting for those who didn’t see it. That’s two instances of 100% should be suspendable acts by Panthers defenseman in tonight’s game. Sadly the DOPS is a bunch of cowardly bums, so it’s unlikely either guy sits.

  2. Lmao Panthers fans are seriously on Twitter saying that Montour just fell and extended his arms out. I get viewing things favorably through the lens of your team but holy shit

  3. The best revenge would be to beat them in their on litter box on Monday. Then 2,more times…

  4. He better get a suspension, he has a disciplinary history and that was fucking egregious AF.

  5. Boys I decided to swing by the panthers gdt just to see what their thoughts were on the game, legit 2 seconds into scrolling and I see someone say that the cats should take a run at vasy since the refs probably won’t call anything.

  6. I remember a certain someone being suspended in 2019 for ‘message sending’ and the league has never suspended anyone else for the same thing since.

    Call me crazy but that looks like Montour was ‘message sending’ and also checks every single item [this article]( listed for why the league decided to suspend Kuch.

    Which means Montour won’t even be fined .000001% of his salary, which is what really scares players away from doing dangerous things like cross-checking a guy in the back of the head while he’s laying on the ice.

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