Vando back. The only person that can overcome this is Lebron. We finally found something that works.

I’ll be the happiest if we find lightning in a bottle and run the table. But some of you guys are giving me so much hope and I know I’m gonna be sitting here sad as fk tomorrow. Stop guys. Don’t give me hope.

  1. Everything is theoretically impossible until it is done.


  2. I just want to see someone bother Porter Jr. on the perimeter even if it’s only for five minutes.

  3. Until the fat lady sings, im down with it delusion ..optimism or whatever…LFG!!!

  4. ![gif](giphy|kSlJtVrqxDYKk|downsized)

    People who believe we have a chance (including me):

  5. As much as I hate it.. I don’t see us coming back from this it’s heartbreaking cause we are better but we don’t show up and I just don’t know how it keeps happening.

  6. [Murray downgraded to questionable]
    “This is huge! If Murray is out, Lakers can win the series!”

    [Vando upgraded to questionable]
    “We got Vando back! And he’s in fantastic shape!”

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